GEF-Trust Fund

The Global Environment Facility Trust Fund supports the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements, and serves as a financial mechanism of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. It is the longest standing dedicated public climate change fund. Climate Change is one of the six focal areas supported by the GEF Trust Fund. The GEF also administers several funds established under the UNFCCC including the Least Developed Countries Trust Fund (LDCF), the Special Climate Change Trust Fund (SCCF) and is interim secretariat for the Adaptation Fund.

Some of the challenges plaguing the implementation of Rio conventions in Ukraine are –
• Global environmental action plans are not mainstreamed into national and regional policy planning.

The project titled “Strengthening National and Decentralized Management for Global Environmental Benefits in Togo” aims to strengthen capacities at the systemic, organizational, and individual levels of the government.

Presently there is poor communication amongst ministries and the system for accounting towards meeting the commitments under the conventions is weak.

Having recently successfully achieved an end to armed conflict in the country, Sri Lanka is in the process of adopting a peaceful and rapid planned development process.

Solomon Island’s customary land tenure system has had the unintended consequence of creating significant negative environmental impacts.

Samoa ratified the three major Multilateral Environment Agreements (Conventions) in the early 1990s (UNCBD in1994, UNFCCC in 1994 & UNCCD in 1998). Since then, Samoa has been committed to both environmental management and implementing global Conventions.

The Environment Management Plan of Seychelles (EMPS) is the principal institutional mechanism for addressing national and international environmental concerns. Currently, there is a lack of a comprehensive framework for linking these concerns with other national development priorities.

Over the years, the government of Kiribati has demonstrated its commitment to the global environmental agenda as it struggles to address national issues and priorities. Kiribati has developed a number of national environment strategies and plans that address its obligations under various MEAs.

While systemic capacities that support the implementation and enforcement of existing laws and regulations in the country are strong in terms of legislative framework, the lack of local individual capacities in terms of knowledge, skills, experience and institu

At present, the environmental information on which development agents base their decisions is incomplete, outdated, unavailable, or inaccessible in Cote d’Ivoire.

The main barriers towards an effective implementation in Costa Rica are twofold: poor policy coordination and inadequate mechanisms to learn and apply best practices.

The project aims to address the inherent complexity and challenges that development institutions face when addressing global environmental issues.

Bangladesh is striving to translate its policy of environmentally sustainable development into on-the-ground level actions.

Under the auspices of the GEF intervention, the proposed Project will strengthen the national judicial system and adjust it to present-day changes and conditions in the country’s reality, as well as needs to protect the natural environment.

The project aims at assisting Uzbekistan to improve its national environment governance system, by creating adequate national capacity to accommodate global environmental concerns into the national development and environmental management plans.

The project aims to expand Tajikistan’s capacity to generate global environmental benefits through educating and involving diverse stakeholders in addressing Rio Convention themes at national and local levels.

The STREEM Project aims to generate global environmental benefits through improved coordination in the implementation of the three Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA), also referred to as the Rio Conventions, in the Philippines.

This issue of direct and indirect poverty and environment nexus has been recognized by the government in the context of currently launched National Human Development Initiative that aims at addressing poverty issues by introducing effective decentralized system of governance and natural resource

Project component 1 focuses on developing national capacities for improved management and implementation of the three Rio Conventions by developing global environmental management indicators as part of the Montenegro's environmental governance regime.

The project targets Capacity Development Objective 4, which calls for the development of sustainable financial mechanisms to meet the shared objectives under the three Rio Conventions. The project's objective of reforming the administration of fees, fines, charges, taxes, and subsidies as they a
