Kenya NAMA

Under the Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme, financed by the EU, Germany, and AusAID, participating countries are primarily focusing on capacity building activities at the national level. This includes formulating Low-Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) and/or Nationally appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), as well as establishing the underlying data collection systems (i.e. national GHG inventory systems, and monitoring, reporting and verification systems).

Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) are concrete projects, policies, and/or programmes that shift a technology or sector in a country onto a low-carbon development trajectory. A LEDS, on the other hand, outlines the intended overall economic, energy, and emissions trajectory for a country and helps to identify entry points for policy intervention (including identifying and prioritizing NAMAs and ensuring coherence between NAMAs and national development goals).

In Kenya national stakeholders will work to build a policy and regulatory environment, investigate financing options, and improve knowledge sharing. Additionally, the government has identified the development of a GHG national inventory system as the highest priority under the Programme, since this will provide the foundation for identifying NAMAs and supporting MRV actions.
A transport NAMA for reducing vehicle emissions will be fast-tracked to gain experience and capacity for investigating NAMAs in the energy (household demand/biomass use) and industrial (energy demand) sub-sectors.

Level of Intervention: 
Key Collaborators: 
National Governments
Private Sector Partners
Thematic Area: 
Infrastructure/Climate Change Risk Management
Implementing Agencies & Partnering Organizations: 
Low Emission Capacity Building Programme (LECBP)
European Commission
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)
Australian Government
Funding Source: 
Bilateral Finance
Financing Amount: 
The four-year Low Emission Capacity Building Programme is being implemented with €8,000,000 of funding from the European Union and €5,000,000 from the Federal Republic of Germany.
Project Status: 
Under Implementation