Supporting Gambia to advance their NAP Process

Status of assistance to the Gambia for their NAP process:

  • NAP Training Workshop is planned for Gambia for 15-17 June 2015, to assist in capacity building to advance the NAP. The workshop will be held in coordination with the Government of Gambia with support from the NAP–GSP and partners.The Government of Gambia has requested for support for a NAP orientation in-country, stock-taking exercise and laying the groundwork for a CPEIR.
  • A TOR has been developed for technical support to the Gambia for their NAP process. Through preliminary discussions, the Government of the Gambia has identified several potential areas that could add value for strengthening the mainstreaming of ongoing climate adaptation into ongoing planning processes through the NAP process. These would build upon the foundation laid out in relevant initiatives, such as the Programme for Accelerated Growth (PAGE) which includes climate change in priority areas, such as in the Agriculture and Natural Resources sectors and Education.
  • The Gambia is in the process of forming a national NAP team composed of 12 institutions.

Potential areas for value added identified by the government:

  • Address climate information gaps, and also to enhance capacity for key stakeholders in government to use and update this climate information data for mainstreaming adaptation into national and sectoral planning;
  • Undertake vulnerability mappings in sectors and cross-cutting areas;
  • Appraise and prioritization of sectoral options;
  • A review of institutional arrangements for promoting the integration of climate Change policies priorities into budgetary and expenditure management;
  • A review of the integration of climate change objectives within the budgetary process, including as part of budget planning, implementation, expenditure management and financing;
  • NAP stock-taking and preparation of a road-map;
  • Laying the ground for a Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR).

Previous NAP-related activities and updates

  • In July 2013, the Government of the Gambia requested support on conducting a Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) to help inform its National Adaptation Plan process.
  • UNDP is continuing to discuss with the development of CPEIR for Gambia, with a view to informing policy discussions on how best to integrate climate change risks into national planning and budgeting.
  • The results of the CPEIR is expected to support the Gambia with national efforts related to the implementation of green, low-emission and climate-resilient development strategies (Green LECRDS), and advance the development of a successful NAP for the Gambia.

> More NAP-GSP countries
> More on CPEIR for the Gambia

Level of Intervention: 
Key Collaborators: 
National Governments
Funding Source: 
Project Status: 
Under Implementation