Signature Programmes
Supporting Integrated Climate Change Strategies
The work under the Signature Programme, Supporting Integrated Climate Change Strategies, involves assisting national and sub-national governments to develop and strengthen policies, institutions, capacities and knowledge for integrated green, low-emission and climate resilient development (LECRD), and to make use of the full range of financing mechanisms to support green LECRD investment.
This is being achieved through the support that UNDP provides to countries to develop and implement initiatives that are focused on Low-Emission Development Strategies (LEDS)/LECRDS, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), National Communications (NCs), and Cross-cutting Capacity Development projects (CCCDs) UNDP, together with partners will also soon start supporting countries to advance National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). These efforts are expected to strengthen policy and governance institutions so that countries are better able to manage the emerging development challenges.
More information on relevant UNDP supported programmes can be obtained through the following links:
· Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme
· National Communications (NCs)
· Cross-cutting Capacity Development (CCCD)
· Supporting LDCs to advance National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
Advancing Cross-sectoral Climate Resilient Livelihoods
Under this Signature Programme, Advancing Cross-sectoral Climate Resilient Livelihoods, UNDP supports countries to achieve pro-poor and pro-growth sustainable economic development and livelihoods in the face of climate change. This is done through strengthening adaptive capacity and enabling environments to create robust and responsive state institutions, capable public and private sector management, and skilled human resources to innovate, adapt and deliver to the changing conditions. UNDP is working to establish effective strategic governance, encouraging governance innovation and reform, and ensuring that institutions are able to cope with next generation development challenges.
Through Advancing Cross-sectoral Climate Resilient Livelihoods, UNDP-GEF provides assistance to country-led efforts on climate change risk management in the context of agriculture and food security, water resources, coastal zone development, public health, and climate change-related disaster risks. These efforts are directly working to eradicate extrement poverty through sustainable economic transformation. By increasing adaptive capacity, UNDP supported projects under this Signature Programme aim to diversify and enhance livelihoods and sources of income for vulnerable populations, support climate resilient technologies and improve access to insurance and risk transfer mechanisms.
More information on relevant UNDP supported programmes can be obtained through the following links:
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems for Climate Resilient Development
This Signature Programme, Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems for Climate Resilient Development and adaptation to climate change, is supporting the development of Early Warning Systems (EWS) across Africa, Asia and the Pacific in order to help them respond to both short-term/rapid onset climatic hazards (e.g. cyclones, floods and storms), as well as long-term/slow onset hazards (e.g. drought and long-term climate change).
UNDP’s efforts on risk management for resilience, will ensure that there are comprehensive systems at country, sub-regional and regional levels for risk reduction as well as preparedness and rapid response to natural disasters. These efforts also include rapid recovery from natural disasters. Initiatives under this programme aim to generate effective EWS by integrating the following four main elements:
- Risk knowledge: Systematically collecting data and undertaking risk assessments.
- Monitoring and predicting: Developing hazard monitoring and early warning services, including weather and hydrological monitoring equipment, improving forecast capabilities and the use of these technologies within agricultural advisories, flood risk monitoring and supply chain management.
- Disseminating information: Communicating risk information and reliable warnings to potentially affected locations through traditional and new media.
- Responding to warnings: Building national and community response capabilities to act effectively when warnings are received.
For updates on UNDP Early Warning Systems and Climate Resilient Development projects in Africa, visit the UNDP-EWS Africa Blog.
For updates on UNDP Early Warning Systems and Climate Resilient Development projects in Asia Pacific, visit the UNDP-EWS Asia Pacific Blog
More information on relevant UNDP supported programmes can be obtained through the following links:
· National/Sub-national/community planning and budgeting
· Early Warning Systems (EWS) for different types of hazards
Ecosystem-Based Adaptation
The goal of the Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Signature Programme, and the work of the UNDP-GEF Ecosystems and Biodiversity team is to maintain and enhance the goods and services provided by biodiversity and ecosystems in order to secure livelihoods, food, water and health; enhance resilience; conserve threatened species and their habitats; and increase carbon storage and sequestration. It also aims to preserve and restore natural ecosystems that can provide cost-effective protection against climate change threats.
UNDP-GEF's capacity is demonstrated through on-going work with over 146 countries to support the current implementation of 274 projects, bringing to bear an investment of USD 3.4 billion, that achieve multiple development benefits. Roughly USD 900 million constitutes grant financing from the various funds administered by the GEF. More than 25 highly skilled staff based in regional centres and headquarters, along with a vast network of UNDP staff in country offices around the world, support efforts to develop the capacity of countries to better manage ecosystems and biodiversity.
More information on relevant UNDP supported programmes can be obtained through the following links:
· Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Mitigation
· UNDP Ecosystems & Biodiversity Page
· UNDP Ecosystem-based Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Page
Promoting Climate Resilient Urban and Transport Infrastructure
This Signature Programme, Promoting Climate Resilient Urban and Transport Infrastructure , and the efforts of the UNDP-GEF Energy, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology team is to make the use and supply of energy more environmentally sustainable, affordable and accessible; and to promote low emission and climate resilient urban and transport infrastructure.
“Green” planning, finance and regulation embedded in the largest metropolitan areas and their peri-urban zones, will support UNDP’s efforts to eradicate extreme poverty through sustainable development.
More information on relevant UNDP supported programmes can be obtained through the following links:
- Climate Change Resilient Infrastructure Development in El Salvador
- Project Brief: Promoting Climate Resilient Infrastructure in Northern Mountain Provinces of Viet Nam
- Adapting to Climate Change: Strengthening the Climate Resilience of Water Sector Infrastructure in Khulna, Bangladesh (Asian Development Bank, 2011)
Climate Resilient Integrated Water Resource and Coastal Management
The goal of the Signature Programme, Climate Resilient Integrated Water Resource and Coastal Management, is to promote integrated, ecosystem-based, climate resilient management of the world's major freshwater and marine transboundary waters systems through improved water and ocean governance.
UNDP-GEF's capacity in Water and Ocean Governance is demonstrated through on-going work with over 100 countries to support the implementation of almost 30 active projects representing an investment of over USD 700 million in achieving multiple development benefits in these countries. Roughly USD 135 million of this sum is grant financing from the various funds administered by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). A broad network of UNDP colleagues around the world support countries with their expertise, knowledge and experience.
More information on relevant UNDP supported programmes can be obtained through the following links:
· Sustainable Management of Oceans in a Changing Climate
· UNDP Environment & Energy, Water and Ocean Governance Page
Community Resilience through Integrated Landscape Management
The goal of this Signature Programme, Community Resilience through Integrated Landscape Management, and that of the UNDP-GEF Community Resilience and Sustainability (CRS) team, is to empower community organizations and networks to achieve inclusive, resilient and sustainable development and develop local solutions for global environment management.
UNDP-GEF's capacity in Community Resilience and Sustainability is centered on its work with community-based organizations and local NGOs to address the barriers (capacity, technical, governance, and legal, political, financial) to achieving resilient communities and landscapes. This work is designed to maximize opportunities for the poorest and socially excluded to gain voice and influence in governance processes. The CRS Team works in over 125 countries to support community-based organizations in the implementation of 4000 projects representing an investment of over USD 400 million. A small team of highly skilled HQ staff and over 200 locally based project staff, including National Coordinators for each country, works with UNDP Country Office colleagues around the world, supporting community-based approaches to building landscape resilience and its attendant global environmental benefits.
More information on relevant UNDP supported programmes can be obtained through the following links: