Supporting Integrated Climate Change Strategies
The work under the Signature Programme, Supporting Integrated Climate Change Strategies, involves assisting national and sub-national governments to develop and strengthen policies, institutions, capacities and knowledge for integrated green, low-emission and climate resilient development (LECRD), and to make use of the full range of financing mechanisms to support green LECRD investment.
This is being achieved through the support that UNDP provides to countries to develop and implement initiatives that are focused on Low-Emission Development Strategies (LEDS)/LECRDS, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), National Communications (NCs), and Cross-cutting Capacity Development projects (CCCDs) UNDP, together with partners will also soon start supporting countries to advance National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). These efforts are expected to strengthen policy and governance institutions so that countries are better able to manage the emerging development challenges.
More information on relevant UNDP supported programmes can be obtained through the following links:
· Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme
· National Communications (NCs)
· Cross-cutting Capacity Development (CCCD)
· Supporting LDCs to advance National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
Integrated Climate Change Strategies Projects
UNDP recognizes the critical need to support developing country governments to build on their existing development strategies and coordination experiences (e.g., National Communications, National Adaptation Plan of Action, National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, UN Development Assistance Framework, Country Assistance Strategy, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action, etc.) to construct comprehensive policy frameworks that integrate climate and development policies, planning, and action across multiple sectors at national, regional and local levels.
These projects apply a holistic approach to improve rural livelihoods and food security by strengthening climate resilience. They help local governments and rural communities with developing a framework for mainstreaming climate change adaptation into integrated development planning at the local level and enable the investment of international adaptation resources to deliver effective scaled up action on the ground.
More information to come...
Territorial Approach to Climate Change (TACC)
The Down to Earth: Territorial Approach to Climate Change (TACC) project is part of a partnership between the United Nations and sub-national governments for fostering climate friendly development at the sub-national level. This partnership is a collaborative effort involving UNDP, UNEP and eight associations of regions.
Working in Colombia, Peru, Senegal, Uganda and Uruguay, the TACC project is supporting he integration of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures into sustainable development planning and programming in developing countries by:
- Developing partnerships with UN and specialised agencies, national and sub-national governments, centres of excellence and regional technical institutions, and the private sector;
- Making available methodologies and tools for long-term climate change participatory planning to regions and cities and sharing best practices;
- Providing regions with information about climate change challenges and opportunities and technical and financial solutions;
- Providing technical support to up to 20 regions for the preparation of regional climate change plans, including identification of priority mitigation and adaptation measures; and
- Providing technical support to up to 20 regions to identify policy and financing instruments to implement priority climate change measures
For more details read the TACC Annual Updates:
Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme
The Low Emission Capacity Building Programme is a global initiative to support national climate change mitigation efforts, low emission development strategies and enhanced measuring, reporting and verification systems.
The Low Emission Capacity Building Programme works in tandem with the UNDP Green, Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development Unit to support multilevel country efforts that intertwine climate change with development choices and actions involving multiple sectors, stakeholders, and ecosystems. Through this arrangement, UNDP seeks to develop strong partnerships to deliver capacity building and support to countries in the area of climate change.
This collaborative programme aims to strengthen technical and institutional capacities at the country level, while at the same time facilitating inclusion and coordination of the public and private sector in national initiatives addressing climate change. It does so by utilizing the global networks and substantial experience that UNDP has established through our wide portfolio of projects and programmes around the world.
For more information visit UNDP-LECB.
National Communications (NCs)
Funded by the Global Environment Facility and supported by UNDP, the creation of a National Communication offers countries the opportunity to contribute with technically sound studies and information that can be used for designing mitigation and adaptation measures, and project proposals that can and will help increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change. Activities generally include: V&A assessments, Greenhouse Gas Inventory preparation, Mitigation Analysis or Education, and awareness raising activities. The ultimate goal of the National Communication process is to support the integration of climate change considerations into relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions.
For more information click here.
National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs)
National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) provide a process for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to identify priority activities that respond to their urgent and immediate needs to adapt to climate change – those for which further delay would increase vulnerability and/or costs at a later stage.
To date, UNDP has supported 31 countries in preparing and submitting their National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to the UNFCCC, with financing from the LDCF.
The UNDP publication, Water Adaptation in National Adaptation Programmes for Action, published January 2009, details some of the work in the NAPA process on integrating climate adaptation in freshwater planning.
Cross-cutting Capacity Development (CCCD)
The objective of the Cross-cutting Capacity Development (CCCD) projects is to address those important capacity needs that will enhance a country’s ability to meet its obligations under international conventions by creating synergies, while at the same time catalyzing the mainstreaming of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) into national policy, management or financial and legislative frameworks. To this end, Cross-cutting Capacity Development projects focus on the environmental governance system and mainstreaming global environmental issues into national development programs.
Cross-cutting Capacity Development projects will provide resources for reducing, if not eliminating, the institutional bottlenecks (e.g., barriers to data gathering) to the synergistic implementation of the Rio conventions. The expected outcomes of these projects are therefore to strengthen multi-sectoral processes that promote policy harmonization, realize cost-efficiency, and enhance operational effectiveness in Convention obligations.
As of mid-2012, 7 CCCD projects were completed and 13 projects - with total grant funding of US$ 5.7 million from the GEF Trust Fund and US$ 4.6 million in co-financing - are under implementation, while more than 20 new projects have been endorsed by countries and are under development.
For more information click here.
UNDP Philippines